Turnaround CEO Kristine Glancy & the story of Insignia Systems

Meet Kristine Glancy, a first time CEO who joined Insignia Systems in 2016. Kristine joined Insignia during a time when the board was dominated by two activists who owned 40% of the company, much of the team had been with Insignia 15+ years and the business was on a downward trend.

She was tasked with creating a new pathway forward for the company, given for 26 years, revenues fell between $18-$28 million and were unable to develop new innovative solutions for their clients.

Since joining, Kristine has restructured 60% of the organization, turned over 80% of the board, developed 13 new products and successfully grew the company +26% in 2018 while also reversing an operating loss in 2017 by nearly $3.0million in 2018.

Tune in to learn:

  • How hiring a team that was “more experienced” than Kristine allowed the company to soar
  • How she showed guts at her first Board of Directors meeting
  • Why listening is so much more important than setting your own strategy

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • The first time Kristine had to prove herself in a marketing capacity 4:25
  • The story of Kristine overcoming the odds, beating out 25 others for the role as CEO 6:31
  • What you miss out on when you only interview with the Board of Directors 8:30
  • How Insignia leadership connects with employees (and turned around a culture) 19:28
  • Why Kristine studied employee photos at night 25:05
  • The biggest ah-ha moment of Kristine’s career to date 30:33

To learn more about Insignia Systems: https://insigniasystems.com/

To get in touch with Kristine: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristine-ditlevson-glancy-87a5592/

Kristine’s book recommendation: https://wonderthebook.com/books/wonder

Audio Production, Editing, and Sound Design by Botanicus Productions (https://botanicusproductions.com